This Henry Ford + MSU event on November 21 will offer up to 2 contact hours of CNE/CME credits.
The Henry Ford + MSU Workplace Violence Webinar Series aims to empower healthcare professionals and workplace leaders with essential knowledge and skills to effectively address and prevent workplace violence. The webinar series will delve into critical topics, including the delicate balance between patient welfare and workplace safety, practical crisis intervention techniques, the mental health impacts of workplace violence, and an overview of rights and institutional policies related to violence in the workplace.
Featuring guest speakers Trevor Gardner J.D., Ph.D. and Ji Seon Song, J.D., this first part of the webinar series will focus on balancing patient welfare and workplace safety. The webinar series will be moderated by Bob Cermak, Ph.D., Jayna Gardner-Gray, M.D., and Jackeline Iseler, DNP.
“Balancing Patient Welfare and Workplace Safety” Objectives:
This virtual event is free, registration is required to participate. For any general questions, please email